Take a System Snapshot

When CC-SG does not function properly, it is extremely helpful if you can capture the information stored in CC-SG, such as the system logs, configurations or database, and provide it to Raritan Technical Support for analysis and troubleshooting.

  1. Choose Operation > Utilities > System Snapshot.
  2. Click or select Yes. The System Snapshot menu opens.
  3. Verify that every %Used value shown on the screen is below 60% to ensure that there is sufficient space available for the snapshot operation. Otherwise, abort the operation and perform the clean-up operation or contact Raritan Technical Support for assistance.
  4. The System Snapshot options are divided into two areas.
  5. Usually it is not necessary to change default snapshot selections unless Raritan Technical Support requests otherwise. When requested, click with the mouse, or use the arrow keys to navigate and press the Space bar to select the snapshot options that you want, marking them with X. By default, the Clean-up JBoss heap dump option is selected. This will automatically erase the JBoss heap file after a snapshot is performed.
  6. Click or select Submit to proceed with the snapshot operation.
  7. You will see a list of items scroll by quickly on the screen during the snapshot process. It is typical if sometimes CC-SG pauses for a while.
  8. When the snapshot operation finishes, CC-SG displays the information for the snapshot, including:

    The snapshot information is for reference only so there is no need to note it down.

  9. Press Enter to return to the System Snapshot menu.
  1. Using a supported Internet browser, type this URL: http(s)://<IP_address>/upload/ where <IP_address> is the IP address of the CC-SG. Note the forward slash (/) following /upload is mandatory. For example,
  2. The Enter Network Password dialog appears. Type the User Name and Password of the Diagnostic Console admin account, and click OK to log in.
  3. All available snapshot files that CC-SG has ever taken are listed.

    Note: CC-SG keeps snapshot files for 10 days only so you should retrieve the files in a timely manner.

  4. Click the snapshot file with the appropriate filename, or the file named "snapshot" as it is the latest snapshot file. The files are already compressed, encrypted and signed so you must transfer them in the binary mode.
  5. When saving the file with IE, save it as a raw file by choosing "All Files" from the "Save as type" drop-down list in the Save As dialog.

See Also

Administrator Console

About Administrator Console

Access Administrator Console

Navigate Administrator Console

Edit Diagnostic Console Configuration

Edit Network Interfaces Configuration (Network Interfaces)

Edit IPv6 Network Interfaces Configuration

Ping an IP Address

Use Traceroute

Edit Static Routes

View Log Files in Diagnostic Console

Restart CC-SG with Diagnostic Console

Reboot CC-SG with Diagnostic Console

Power Off CC-SG System from Diagnostic Console

Reset CC Super-User Password with Diagnostic Console

Reset CC-SG Factory Configuration

Diagnostic Console Password Settings

Diagnostic Console Account Configuration

Configure Remote System Monitoring

Display Historical Data Trending Reports

Display RAID Status and Disk Utilization

Perform Disk or RAID Tests

Schedule Disk Tests

Repair or Rebuild RAID Disks

View Top Display with Diagnostic Console

Check Disk Status

Display NTP Status

Change the Video Resolution for Diagnostic Console