CC-SG Shutdown

Shutting down CC-SG shuts down the CC-SG software, but it does not power off the CC-SG unit.

After CC-SG shuts down, all users are logged out. Users cannot log back in until you restart CC-SG, either via the Diagnostic Console or by recycling the CC-SG power.

  1. Choose System Maintenance > Shutdown.
  2. Type your password in the Password field.
  3. Accept the default message or type a message to display to any users currently online in the Broadcast message field (for example, you might give users a brief time period to finish their tasks in CC-SG and tell them when they can expect the system to be functional again). All users will be disconnected when you shut down CC-SG.
  4. Type the number of minutes (from 0-720) that should pass before CC-SG shuts down in the Shutdown after (min) field.

    If specifying over 10 minutes, the broadcast message displays to users immediately, and then repeats at 10 and 5 minutes before the event occurs.

  5. Click OK to shut down CC-SG.

See Also

System Maintenance

Maintenance Mode

Entering Maintenance Mode

Exiting Maintenance Mode

Backing Up CC-SG

Saving and Deleting Backup Files

Restoring CC-SG

Resetting CC-SG

Restarting CC-SG

Upgrading CC-SG

Upgrading a Cluster

Migrating a CC-SG Database

Restarting CC-SG after Shutdown

Powering Down CC-SG

Ending CC-SG Session