Mouse Modes

You can operate in either single mouse mode or dual mouse mode.

When in a dual mouse mode, and provided the option is properly configured, the mouse cursors align.

When controlling a target server, the Remote Console displays two mouse cursors - one belonging to your Dominion KX IV–101 client workstation, and the other belonging to the target server.

When there are two mouse cursors, the device offers several mouse modes:

When the mouse pointer lies within the KVM Client target server window, mouse movements and clicks are directly transmitted to the connected target server.

While in motion, the client mouse pointer slightly leads the target mouse pointer due to mouse acceleration settings.

Single mouse mode allows you to view only the target server's pointer. You can use Single mouse mode when other modes don't work.

You can toggle between these two modes (single mouse and dual mouse).

In This Section





See Also

Input Menu

Keyboard Layout

Send Macro

Macro Editor

Send Text to Target

Mouse Sync