Copy and Paste and Copy All

Data on the current visible page can be selected for copying. Copy and Paste are accessible in the HSC by right click in the terminal window. Select Copy or Paste in the context menu that appears.

To copy all text, use the Copy All option in the Edit menu.

If you need to paste a large amount of data, it is better to save the data in a file and use the Send a Text File function. Pasting a large amount of data in a browser windows can cause the browser to hang as it processes the data. See Send Text File.

When pasting data to a port, the end of a line is sent as a carriage return.

The Cut option on the right-click menu is disabled.

Do not use the Delete option that appears in the right-click menu of IE and some versions of Firefox. This Delete option will remove display lines entirely from the emulator window.

When copying from IE or Edge browsers, there are no end of line characters in the copied data. The pasted data appears to be all in one line and contains many spaces. When pasting back into a HSC window, the data may appear to be misaligned, but the data is complete.

See Also

HSC Functions


Send Text File

Tools: Start and Stop Logging