Set Windows OS Variables and Install Standalone Raritan Serial Console (RSC)

  1. Choose Start > Control Panel > System.
  2. Click the Advanced tab and then click Environment Variables.
  3. In the System variables section, click New.

  4. Write down the installed Java path.
  5. In the Variable value block field of the New System Variable dialog, add JAVA_HOME to the Variable name block and the Java path you wrote down earlier.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Select the PATH variable and click Edit.
  8. Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the end of the current Variable value. Ensure a semicolon (;) separates the new value from the last value in the string.
  9. Click OK.

  10. Select the CLASSPATH variable and click Edit.
  11. Ensure the CLASSPATH Variable value is configured properly; that is, its value must have a period (.) in it. If, for any reason, there is no CLASSPATH variable defined, create one.

Next, install Raritan Serial Console (RSC) on your Windows OS.

You must have administrative privileges to install RSC.

  1. Log in to a Windows® machine.
  2. Download, or copy from a known location, the RSC-installer.jar installation file.
  3. Double-click on the executable file to start the installer program. The splash page opens.
  4. Click Next. The installation path page opens.
  5. Change the path, if desired.
  6. Click Next. The installation progress page opens.

    Note: The standalone version of RSC is available from the Raritan Support website:

  7. Click Next. The Windows shortcut page opens.
  8. Select the Program Group for the Shortcut.
  9. Click Next. The installation finished page opens.
  10. Click Done.

See Also

Standalone Raritan Serial Console Requirements

Set Linux OS Variables and Install Standalone Raritan Serial Console (RSC) for Linux

Setting UNIX OS Variables

Launching Raritan Serial Console (RSC) on Windows Systems