Set Linux OS Variables and Install Standalone Raritan Serial Console (RSC) for Linux

To set Java for a specific user, open and edit the .profile file located in the /home/Username folder.

To set Java for all users, open the .profile file in your /etc folder:

  1. Find the line where you set your path:



  2. Before that line you must set your JAVA_HOME and then modify your PATH to include it by adding the following lines:

    export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

  3. Save the file.

You must have administrative privileges to install Raritan Serial Console (RSC).

  1. Log in to your Linux machine.
  2. Download, or copy from a known location, the RSC-installer.jar installation file.
  3. Open a terminal window and change to the directory where the installer is saved.
  4. Type java -jar RSC-installer.jar and press Enter to run the installer.
  5. Click Next after the initial page loads. The Set Installation Path page opens.
    1. Select the directory where you want to install RSC and click Next.
    2. Click Browse to navigate to a non-default directory.
    3. Click Next when the installation is complete.
    4. Click Next again. The installation is complete. The final page indicates where you can find an uninstaller program and provides the option to generate an automatic installation script.
  6. Click Done to close the Installation dialog.

See Also

Standalone Raritan Serial Console Requirements

Set Windows OS Variables and Install Standalone Raritan Serial Console (RSC)

Setting UNIX OS Variables

Launching Raritan Serial Console (RSC) on Windows Systems