Configuring Direct Port Access

To configure direct port access:

  1. Choose Device Settings > Device Services. The Device Service Settings page opens.
  2. Type the IP address and ports used for SSH and Telnet in the appropriate fields for each serial target.

    Note that leaving all three fields blank will disable direct port access for the serial target. To enable direct port access, you must do one of the following:

    Below are examples of Telnet and IP:

    Configure the IP alias address for a serial target. Once this is done, connection to the target through Telnet can be done using "telnet".

    Configure the Telnet TCP Port as "7770". Once this is done, connection to the target can be done using "telnet <KSX II device IP address> 7770".

  3. Click OK to save this information.

Once you have created the direct port access, it can be connected in a client application such as PuTTY. Following is an example of how the direct port access information would appear in PuTTY. Note that PuTTY is not the only client application that can be used. It is used here for sample purposes only.

See Also

Step 4: Configure the Dominion KSX

Changing the Default Password

Assign an IP Address

Configure KVM and Serial Ports

Note to CC-SG Users

Remote Authentication

Create User Groups and Users