Set Terminal Emulation on a Target

The setting for terminal emulation on SX II is a property associated with the port settings for a particular target device.

Ensure that the settings for terminal emulation in the client application, such as Telnet or SSH, are capable of supporting the target device.

Ensure that the encoding in use on the host matches the encoding configured for the target device.

For example, if the character set on a Sun Solaris server is set to ISO8859-1, the target device should also be set to ISO8859-1.

Ensure that the terminal emulation on the target host connected to SX II serial port is set to VT100, VT220, VT320 or ANSI.

On most UNIX® systems, export TERM=vt100 (or vt220|vt320|ansi) sets the preferred terminal emulation type on the UNIX target device. So, if the terminal type setting on a HP-UX® server is set to VT100, the Access Client should also be set to VT100.

See Also

Initial SX II Configuration Using Command Line Interface (Optional)

Set the CLI Escape Sequence