Connecting the SX II to the PX2 FEATURE Port

In this configuration, the PX is managed from the SX II interface like any other powerstrip. See Power Control.

Note that the appliances used in the diagram may not match your specific models. However, the connections and ports used are the same across models.

  1. Connect the gray end of the CSCSPCS crossover Cat5 cable into the Feature port on the PX.
  2. Connect the yellow end of the CSCSPCS crossover Cat5 cable into a port on the SX II.
  3. Power on the PX (if it is not already).

    You can now add the PX as a managed power strip to the SX II. See Configure Power Strips from the Remote Console or Configure Power Strips Using CLI.

    PX appliance

    SX II

See Also

Connect a Rack PDU to SX II and Configure Power Control Options

Connecting the SX II to the PX2 Serial Port