CLI: diag


diag:# netstat

netstat <mode>


mode Specify the netstat mode (ports/connections)

diag:# nslookup <host>

Name server query

host Host name or IP address to query DNS information for

diag:# ping <dest> [count <num_echos>] [size <packet_size>] [timeout <timeout>]


dest Target host name or IP address

count Specify the number of echo requests to be sent (1..100) [5]

size Specify number of bytes in one request packet (1..65468) [56]

timeout Specify the maximum amount of time (in s) to wait for responses (1..600)

diag:# traceroute <dest> [useICMP]

Trace route

dest Target host name or IP address

useICMP Use ICMP packets instead of UDP packets

See Also

CLI Commands

CLI: check

CLI: clear

CLI: config

CLI: connect

CLI: reset

CLI: show

CLI: exit