Adjusting Playback Buffer Size

Capture buffer size is not adjustable on Dominion KX IV–101. Playback buffer can be adjusted as needed once an audio device is connected.

This feature is useful for controlling the quality of the audio, which may be impacted by bandwidth limitations or network spikes. Increasing the buffer size improves the audio quality but may impact the delivery speed. The maximum available buffer size is 400 milliseconds since anything higher than that greatly impacts audio quality.

The buffer size can be adjusted whenever needed, including during an audio session.

Audio settings are configured in VKC or AKC.

  1. Select Audio Settings from the Audio menu. The Audio Settings dialog opens.
  2. Adjust the capture and/or playback buffer size as needed. Click OK.


See Also

Digital Audio

Supported Audio Device Formats

Digital Audio VKC and AKC Icons

Audio Playback Recommendations and Requirements

Bandwidth Requirements

Saving Audio Settings

Connecting and Disconnecting a Digital Audio Device