CLI: config authentication


config # authentication

Available commands:

add Add a new LDAP server

addClone Add a new LDAP server, cloning another server

delete Delete LDAP server

modify Modify an existing LDAP server

authentication ldap add <host> <port> < type> <security> <bindtype> <basedn> <loginnameattr> <userentryclass> [userSearchSubfilter <usersearchfilter>] [adDomain <addomain>] [verifyServerCertificate <certverify>] [allowExpiredCertificate <allowexpiredcert>] [bindDN <binddn>]

Add a new LDAP server

host IP address/host name

port Port number (0..4294967295)

type LDAP server type (openldap/activeDirectory)

security Security type (none/startTls/tls)

bindtype Bind type (anonymousBind/authenticatedBind)

basedn Base DN for search

loginnameattr Login name attribute

userentryclass User entry object class

userSearchSubfilter User search subfilter

adDomain Active directory domain

verifyServerCertificate Enable validation of LDAP server certificate (true/false)

allowExpiredCertificate Allow expired and not yet valid server certificates (true/false)

bindDN Bind DN

authentication ldap addClone <index> <host>

Add a new LDAP server, cloning another server

index Source server index

host IP address/host name

authentication ldap delete <index>

Delete LDAP server

index Server index

authentication ldap modify <index> [host <host>] [port <port>] [serverType <Server type>] [securityType <security>] [bindType <bindtype>] [searchBaseDN <basedn>] [loginNameAttribute <loginnameattr>] [userEntryObjectClass <userentryclass>] [userSearchSubfilter <usersearchfilter>] [adDomain <addomain>] [verifyServerCertificate <certverify>] [certificate] [allowExpiredCertificate <allowexpiredcert>] [bindDN <binddn>] [bindPassword] [sortPosition <position>]

Modify an existing LDAP server

index Index

host IP address/host name

port Port number (0..4294967295)

serverType LDAP server type (openldap/activeDirectory)

securityType Security type (none/startTls/tls)

bindType Bind type (anonymousBind/authenticatedBind)

searchBaseDN Base DN for search

loginNameAttribute Login name attribute

userEntryObjectClass User entry object class

userSearchSubfilter User search subfilter

adDomain Active directory domain

verifyServerCertificate Enable validation of LDAP server certificate (true/false)

certificate Certificate CA chain

allowExpiredCertificate Allow expired and not yet valid server certificates (true/false)

bindDN Bind DN

bindPassword Bind password

sortPosition New position in server list

Available commands:

authentication type [useLocalIfRemoteUnavailable <localfallback>]

Configure authentication type

type Authentication type (local/ldap/radius)

useLocalIfRemoteUnavailable Use local authentication if remote authentication is unavailable (true/false)

See Also

CLI: config

CLI: config device

CLI: config group

CLI: config keyword

CLI: config network

CLI: config password

CLI: config port

CLI: config security

CLI: config serial

CLI: config terminalblock

CLI: config time

CLI: config user