Converting a Binary Certificate to a Base64-Encoded DER Certificate (Optional)

KX II-101-V2 requires an SSL certificate in either Base64-Encoded DER format or PEM format.

If you are using an SSL certificate in binary format, you cannot install it.

However, you can convert your binary SSL certificate.

  1. Locate the DEGHKVM0001.cer binary file on your Windows machine.
  2. Double-click on the DEGHKVM0001.cer file to open its Certificate dialog.

  3. Click the Detail tab.
  4. Click "Copy to File...". The Certificate Export Wizard opens.

  5. Click Next to start the Wizard.

  6. Select "Base-64 encoded X.509" in the second Wizard dialog.
  7. Click Next to save the file as a Base-64 encoded X.509. You can now install the certificate on your KX II-101-V2.