Enabling the AKC Download Server Certificate Validation

If you are using the AKC client, you can choose to use the Enable AKC Download Server Certificate Validation feature or opt not to use this feature.

Note: When operating in IPv4 and IPv6 dual stack mode with 'Enable AKC Download Server Certificate Validation' feature, Microsoft® ClickOnce® requires that the server certificate CN should not contain a zero compressed form of IPv6 address.

If it does, you will not be able to successfully download and launch AKC.

However, this may conflict with browser preferences for the form of the IPv6 address.

Use the server hostname in the common name (CN) or include compressed and uncompressed forms of the IPv6 address in the certificate's Subject Alternative Name.

Option 1: Do Not Enable AKC Download Server Certificate Validation (default setting)

If you do not enable, AKC Download Server Certificate Validation, all Dominion device users and CC-SG Bookmark and Access Client users must:

Option 2: Enable AKC Download Server Certificate Validation

If you do, enable AKC Download Server Certificate Validation:

  1. Include the KX III IP address in the Trusted Site zone and ensure 'Protected Mode' is off.
  2. Launch Internet Explorer® using the KX III IP address as the URL. A Certificate Error message will be displayed.
  3. Select View Certificates.
  4. On the General tab, click Install Certificate. The certificate is then installed in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.
  5. After the certificate is installed, the KX III IP address should be removed from the Trusted Site zone.
  1. Choose Device Settings > Device Services. The Device Service Settings page opens.
  2. Select the Enable AKC Download Server Certificate Validation checkbox or you can leave the feature disabled (default).
  3. Click OK.

If you are connecting to a KX III standalone device and support for AKC download server certificate validation is enabled, the valid IPv6 format to generate the certificate is either:

See Also

Device Services

Enabling SSH

HTTP and HTTPS Port Settings

Entering the Discovery Port

Configuring and Enabling Tiering

Enabling Direct Port Access via URL

Configuring SNMP Agents

Configuring Modem Settings

Configuring Date/Time Settings

Event Management