
The Dominion KSX provides at-the-rack access and administration via its local port, which features a browser-based graphical user interface for quick, convenient switching between servers. The Dominion KSX Local Console provides a direct analog connection to your connected servers; the performance is as if you were directly connected to the server's keyboard, mouse, and video ports. The Dominion KSX Local Console provides the same administrative functionality as the Dominion KSX Remote Console.

See Also

Dominion KSX Local Console

Using the Dominion KSX Local Console

Dominion KSX Local Console Interface

Available Resolutions

Dominion KSX Local Console Support Languages

Server Display

Hot Keys and Connect Keys

Accessing a Target Server

Returning to the Dominion KSX Local Console Interface

Local Port Administration

Resetting the Dominion KSX Using the Reset Button