1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */
2 /*
3  * Copyright 2016 Raritan Inc. All rights reserved.
4  */
6 #include <Event.idl>
8 /**
9  * Network Configuration
10  */
11 module net {
13  /** IPv4/IPv6 address and prefix len */
14  structure IpAddrCidr {
15  string addr; // IP address
16  int prefixLen; // Length of network prefix in the IP address
17  };
19  /** IPv4/IPv6 route */
20  structure IpRoute {
21  IpAddrCidr destNetAddrCidr; // Destination network address (CIDR)
22  string nextHopAddr; // Address of the next hop (empty when ifName is set)
23  string ifName; // Destination interface (empty if nextHopAddr is set)
24  };
26  /** Role of the node when port forwarding is enabled */
27  enumeration PortForwardingRole {
28  MASTER, ///< Node is the port forwarding master
29  SLAVE ///< Node is a port forwarding slave
30  };
32  /** Port forwarding settings */
34  boolean enabled; ///< Controls if port forwarding is enabled
35  PortForwardingRole role; ///< The role of the node (master or slave)
36  string masterDownstreamIfName; ///< Master downstream interface (usb: any USB iface)
37  };
39  /** DNS settings */
40  structure DnsSettings_2_0_0 {
41  vector<string> serverAddrs; ///< List of domain name servers addresses (IPv4/IPv6)
42  vector<string> searchSuffixes; ///< List of domain search suffixes
43  boolean resolverPrefersIPv6; ///< Resolver should prefer IPv6 addresses
44  };
46  /** IP protocol specific routing settings */
48  string defaultGatewayAddr; ///< Default gateway address
49  vector<IpRoute> staticRoutes; ///< List of static routes
50  };
52  /** Routing settings */
54  IpRoutingSettings_2_0_0 ipv4; ///< IPv4 routing settings
55  IpRoutingSettings_2_0_0 ipv6; ///< IPv6 routing settings
56  };
58  /** Common settings */
60  DnsSettings_2_0_0 dns; ///< DNS settings
61  RoutingSettings_2_0_0 routing; ///< Routing settings
62  PortForwardingSettings_2_0_0 portForwarding; ///< Port forwarding settings
63  };
65  /** Port forwarding master address info for an interface */
67  string ifName; ///< interface name on master
68  string addr; ///< IPv4/IPv6 address on the interface
69  };
71  /** Port forwarding info */
72  structure PortForwardingInfo {
73  boolean enabled; ///< \c true if port forwarding is enabled
74  boolean nodeIndexValid; ///< \c true if nodeIndex is valid
75  int nodeIndex; ///< Index of the node in the port forwarding cascade
76  boolean slaveConnected; ///< \c true if this node has a slave connected
77  string masterDownstreamIfName; ///< Master downstream interface (usb: any USB iface)
78  ///< the first entry of each vector has the default route set (if default route is set at all)
79  vector<PortForwardingMasterAddrInfo> masterIPv4AddrInfos; ///< Master address info for IPv4
80  vector<PortForwardingMasterAddrInfo> masterIPv6AddrInfos; ///< Master address info for IPv6
81  };
83  /** DNS info */
84  structure DnsInfo {
85  vector<string> serverAddrs; ///< List of active domain name server addresses
86  vector<string> searchSuffixes; ///< List of active domain search suffixes
87  boolean resolverPrefersIPv6; ///< Resolver should prefer IPv6 addresses
88  };
90  /** Routing info */
91  structure RoutingInfo {
92  vector<IpRoute> ipv4Routes; ///< List of active IPv4 routes
93  vector<IpRoute> ipv6Routes; ///< List of active IPv6 routes
94  };
96  /** Common info */
97  structure CommonInfo {
98  DnsInfo dns; ///< DNS info
99  RoutingInfo routing; ///< Routing info
100  PortForwardingInfo portForwarding; ///< Port forwarding info
101  };
103  /** IP configuration method */
104  enumeration IpConfigMethod {
105  STATIC, ///< No automatic configuration
106  DHCP, ///< Use DHCP for automatic configuration (IPv4 only)
107  AUTO ///< Use automatic configuration (IPv6 only)
108  };
110  /** Interface specific IP settings */
112  boolean enabled; ///< Controls if IPv4/IPv6 is enabled
113  IpConfigMethod configMethod; ///< Interface configuration method
114  IpAddrCidr staticAddrCidr; ///< Statically assigned IPv4/IPv6 address (CIDR)
115  string dhcpPreferredHostname; ///< Preferred hostname (only used with DHCP)
116  };
118  /** Interface specific IPv4 info */
119  structure InterfaceIPv4Info {
120  boolean enabled; ///< \c true if IPv4 is enabled
121  IpConfigMethod configMethod; ///< Interface configuration method
122  vector<IpAddrCidr> addrsCidr; ///< List of active IPv4 addresses with prefix length
123  string dhcpServerAddr; ///< IPv4 address of DHCP server or empty
124  string dhcpPreferredHostname; ///< Preferred hostname (only used with DHCP)
125  };
127  /** Interface specific IPv6 info */
128  structure InterfaceIPv6Info {
129  boolean enabled; ///< \c true if IPv6 is enabled
130  IpConfigMethod configMethod; ///< Interface configuration method
131  vector<IpAddrCidr> addrsCidr; ///< List of active IPv6 addresses with prefix length
132  string dhcpServerId; ///< DHCPv6 server id or empty
133  string dhcpPreferredHostname; ///< Preferred hostname (only used with DHCP)
134  boolean raManaged; ///< "Managed" flag set in router announcements
135  boolean raOtherConf; ///< "OtherConf" flag set in router announcements
136  };
138  /** Interface specific settings */
140  boolean enabled; ///< Controls if interface is enabled
141  InterfaceIpSettings_2_0_0 ipv4; ///< Interface specific IPv4 settings
142  InterfaceIpSettings_2_0_0 ipv6; ///< Interface specific IPv6 settings
143  };
145  /** The interface type */
146  enumeration InterfaceType {
147  ETHERNET, ///< Ethernet interface
148  WLAN, ///< WLAN interface
149  BRIDGE ///< Bride interface
150  };
152  /** Interface operational state */
153  enumeration InterfaceOpState {
154  NOT_PRESENT, ///< Interface is not present
155  DOWN, ///< Interface is down
156  NO_LINK, ///< Interface has no link
157  UP ///< Interface is up and running
158  };
160  /** Interface specific info */
161  structure InterfaceInfo {
162  string name; ///< Internal interface name
163  string label; ///< Interface label (used in user interfaces)
164  InterfaceType type; ///< Interface type
165  boolean enabled; ///< The dynamic enabled state
166  string masterIfName; ///< Master interface (set for bridged interfaces)
167  InterfaceOpState state; ///< Operational state of the interface
168  string macAddr; ///< MAC address of the interface
169  InterfaceIPv4Info ipv4; ///< Interface specific IPv4 info
170  InterfaceIPv6Info ipv6; ///< Interface specific IPv6 info
171  };
173  /** EAP outer authentication method */
175  EAP_PEAP, ///< PEAP authentication
176  EAP_TLS ///< TLS authentication
177  };
179  /** EAP inner authentication method */
181  INNER_EAP_MSCHAPv2, ///< MSCHAPv2 authentication
182  INNER_EAP_TLS ///< TLS authentication
183  };
185  /** EAP authentication status */
186  enumeration EapStatus {
187  EAP_STATUS_DISABLED, ///< EAP authentication disabled
188  EAP_STATUS_PENDING, ///< EAP authentication pending
189  EAP_STATUS_FAILED, ///< EAP authentication failed
190  EAP_STATUS_SUCCESS ///< EAP authentication succeeded
191  };
193  /** EAP authentication settings */
195  string identity; ///< EAP identity
196  string password; ///< EAP password (always empty on retrieval!)
197  boolean clearPassword; ///< Set to \c true when password should be cleared
198  string clientCertChain; ///< client certificate chain
199  string clientPrivKey; ///< client private key (always empty on retrieval!)
200  boolean clearClientPrivKey; ///< Set to \c true to clear the client private key
201  string clientPrivKeyPassword; ///< password of client private key
202  EapOuterAuthMethod_2_0_0 outerMethod; ///< Outer authentication method
203  EapInnerAuthMethod_2_0_0 innerMethod; ///< Inner authentication method
204  string caCertChain; ///< CA certificate chain
205  boolean forceTrustedCert; ///< Enforce trusted certificates
206  boolean allowOffTimeRangeCerts; ///< allow expired and not yet valid TLS certs
207  boolean allowNotYetValidCertsIfTimeBeforeBuild; ///< allow not yet valid TLS certs if
208  ///< the system time is before the build time
209  string authServerName; ///< Name of the RADIUS server (used to verify cert)
210  };
212  /** Ethernet speed */
213  enumeration EthSpeed {
214  SPEED_AUTO, ///< Use auto-negotiation to set speed
215  SPEED_MBIT_10, ///< 10 MBit/s
216  SPEED_MBIT_100, ///< 100 MBit/s
217  SPEED_MBIT_1000 ///< 1000 MBit/s (1 GBit/s)
218  };
220  /** Ethernet duplex mode */
221  enumeration EthDuplexMode {
222  DUPLEX_MODE_AUTO, ///< Use auto-negotiation to set duplex mode
223  DUPLEX_MODE_HALF, ///< Half duplex
224  DUPLEX_MODE_FULL ///< Full duplex
225  };
227  /** Ethernet authentication type */
228  enumeration EthAuthType {
229  ETH_AUTH_NONE, ///< No authentication
230  ETH_AUTH_EAP ///< 802.1x (EAP) authentication
231  };
233  /** Ethernet link mode */
234  structure EthLinkMode {
235  EthSpeed speed; ///< Interface speed
236  EthDuplexMode duplexMode; ///< Interface duplex mode
237  };
239  /** Ethernet interface settings */
240  structure EthSettings_2_0_0 {
241  EthLinkMode linkMode; ///< Link mode
242  EthAuthType authType; ///< Authentication type
243  EapAuthSettings_3_0_0 eap; ///< EAP Settings for 802.1x authentication
244  };
246  /** Ethernet interface info */
247  structure EthInfo_1_0_1 {
248  EapStatus eapStatus; ///< \c status of EAP authentication
249  EthLinkMode linkMode; ///< Current link mode
250  boolean linkModeValid; ///< \c true if linkMode is valid
251  boolean autonegEnabled; ///< \c true if auto-negotiation is enabled
252  boolean linkDetected; ///< \c true if a link is detected
253  vector<EthLinkMode> supportedLinkModes; ///< Supported link modes
254  };
256  /** WLAN security protocol */
257  enumeration WlanSecProtocol {
258  WPA2 ///< WPA2 security protocol
259  };
261  /** WLAN authentication type */
262  enumeration WlanAuthType_2_0_0 {
263  WLAN_AUTH_NONE, ///< No authentication
264  WLAN_AUTH_PSK, ///< Pre-shared key authentication
265  WLAN_AUTH_EAP ///< 802.1x (EAP) authentication
266  };
268  /** WLAN interface settings */
269  structure WlanSettings_3_0_0 {
270  boolean enableHT; ///< Enable high throughput features (802.11n)
271  string ssid; ///< SSID of the wireless network
272  string bssid; ///< BSSID (empty for automatic AP selection)
273  WlanSecProtocol secProtocol; ///< Security protocol (WPA2)
274  WlanAuthType_2_0_0 authType; ///< Authentication type
275  string psk; ///< Pre-shared key (always empty on retrieval!)
276  boolean clearPsk; ///< Set to \c true when PSK should be cleared
277  EapAuthSettings_3_0_0 eap; ///< EAP Settings for 802.1x authentication
278  };
280  /** WLAN channel width */
281  enumeration WlanChannelWidth {
289  };
291  /** WLAN interface info */
292  structure WlanInfo {
293  boolean associated; ///< \c true if assoiated to an access point
294  string ssid; ///< SSID of the wireless network
295  string bssid; ///< BSSID of associated access point
296  int channel; ///< Channel number
297  WlanChannelWidth channelWidth; ///< Channel width (this is an id and no frequency!)
298  };
300  /** Network settings */
301  structure Settings_3_0_0 {
302  CommonSettings_2_0_0 common; ///< Common network settings
303  map<string, InterfaceSettings_2_0_0> ifMap; ///< Common interface settings
304  map<string, EthSettings_2_0_0> ethMap; ///< Ethernet specific interface settings
305  map<string, WlanSettings_3_0_0> wlanMap;///< WLAN specific interface settings
306  };
308  /** Network info */
309  structure Info_1_0_1 {
310  CommonInfo common; ///< Common network info
311  map<string, InterfaceInfo> ifMap; ///< Common interface info
312  map<string, EthInfo_1_0_1> ethMap; ///< Ethernet specific interface info
313  map<string, WlanInfo> wlanMap; ///< WLAN specific interface info
314  };
316  /** Mapping from application protocol id to name and transport protocol */
318  int appProtoId; ///< Application protocol id
319  string appProtoName; ///< Application protocol name
320  string transportProtoName; ///< Transport protocol name
321  };
323  /* ---- event definitions ---- */
325  /** Event that is send when common network info has changed */
326  valueobject CommonInfoChangedEvent extends idl.Event {
327  CommonInfo commonInfo; ///< Current common network info
328  };
330  /** Event that is send when common interface specific network info has changed */
331  valueobject InterfaceInfoChangedEvent extends idl.Event {
332  InterfaceInfo ifInfo; ///< Current common interface specific info
333  };
335  /** Event that is send when ethernet interface specific network info has changed */
336  valueobject EthInfoChangedEvent_1_0_1 extends idl.Event {
337  string ifName; ///< Ethernet interface name
338  string ifLabel; ///< interface label
339  EthInfo_1_0_1 ethInfo; ///< Current ethernet interface specific info
340  };
342  /** Event that is send when WLAN interface specific network info has changed */
343  valueobject WlanInfoChangedEvent extends idl.Event {
344  string ifName; ///< WLAN interface name
345  WlanInfo wlanInfo; ///< Current WLAN interface specific info
346  };
348  /** Event that is send when the operational state of an interface changed */
349  valueobject LinkStateChangedEvent extends idl.Event {
350  string ifName; ///< interface name
351  string ifLabel; ///< interface label
352  InterfaceType ifType; ///< interface type
353  InterfaceOpState ifState; ///< Current operational interface state
354  };
356  /** Event that is send when the presence state of a downstream port forwarding slave changes */
357  valueobject PortForwardingSlavePresenceStateChangedEvent extends idl.Event {
358  boolean slavePresent; ///< \c true when a slave is present
359  };
361  /** Network configuration interface */
362  interface Net_5_0_0 {
364  /** Success code */
365  constant int SUCCESS = 0;
367  /** DNS parameter errors */
368  constant int ERR_DNS_TOO_MANY_SERVERS = 100;
369  constant int ERR_DNS_INVALID_SERVER = 101;
370  constant int ERR_DNS_TOO_MANY_SEARCH_SUFFIXES = 102;
371  constant int ERR_DNS_INVALID_SEARCH_SUFFIX = 103;
373  /** routing parameter errors */
376  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV4_INVALID_DEST_ADDR = 202;
377  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV6_INVALID_DEST_ADDR = 203;
380  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV4_INVALID_NEXTHOP_ADDR = 206;
381  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV6_INVALID_NEXTHOP_ADDR = 207;
382  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV4_INVALID_INTERFACE = 208;
383  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV6_INVALID_INTERFACE = 209;
384  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV4_DEST_IS_NO_NETWORK_ADDR = 210;
385  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV6_DEST_IS_NO_NETWORK_ADDR = 211;
386  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV4_DEST_IS_DUPLICATE = 212;
387  constant int ERR_ROUTING_IPV6_DEST_IS_DUPLICATE = 213;
393  /** port forwarding parameter errors */
397  /** interface common parameter errors */
398  constant int ERR_IF_IPV4_INVALID_CONFIG_METHOD = 400;
399  constant int ERR_IF_IPV6_INVALID_CONFIG_METHOD = 401;
400  constant int ERR_IF_IPV4_INVALID_STATIC_ADDR = 402;
401  constant int ERR_IF_IPV6_INVALID_STATIC_ADDR = 403;
402  constant int ERR_IF_IPV4_INVALID_STATIC_PREFIX_LEN = 404;
403  constant int ERR_IF_IPV6_INVALID_STATIC_PREFIX_LEN = 405;
404  constant int ERR_IF_IPV4_INVALID_DHCP_PREF_HOSTNAME = 406;
405  constant int ERR_IF_IPV6_INVALID_DHCP_PREF_HOSTNAME = 407;
406  constant int ERR_IF_EAP_INVALID_IDENTITY = 408;
407  constant int ERR_IF_EAP_INVALID_PASSWORD = 409;
408  constant int ERR_IF_EAP_INVALID_CLIENT_CERT = 410;
409  constant int ERR_IF_EAP_INVALID_CLIENT_PRIV_KEY_OR_PWD = 411;
411  constant int ERR_IF_EAP_INVALID_CA_CERT = 413;
412  constant int ERR_IF_EAP_CA_CERT_VERIFY_FAILED = 414; /* not used anymore */
413  constant int ERR_IF_EAP_INVALID_AUTH_SERVER_NAME = 415;
415  /** Ethernet interface parameter errors */
416  constant int ERR_ETH_IF_UNSUPPORTED_LINKMODE = 500;
418  /** WLAN interface parameter errors */
419  constant int ERR_WLAN_IF_INVALID_SSID = 600;
420  constant int ERR_WLAN_IF_INVALID_BSSID = 601;
421  constant int ERR_WLAN_IF_INVALID_PSK = 602;
423  /**
424  * Retrieve information about all network interfaces.
425  *
426  * @return Current network information
427  */
428  Info_1_0_1 getInfo();
430  /**
431  * Retrieve the current network interface settings.
432  *
433  * @return Settings for all supported network interfaces
434  */
435  Settings_3_0_0 getSettings();
437  /**
438  * Update the network interface settings.
439  *
440  * @param settings New network settings
441  *
442  * @return 0 if OK
443  * @return non-zero in case of error (see error constants above)
444  */
445  int setSettings(in Settings_3_0_0 settings);
447  /**
448  * Retrieve the list of port forwarding protocol mappings.
449  *
450  * @return Port forwarding protocol mappings
451  */
452  vector<PortForwardingProtocolMapping> getPortForwardingProtocolMappings();
454  };
456 }
PortForwardingInfo portForwarding
Port forwarding info.
Definition: Net.idl:100
InterfaceOpState ifState
Current operational interface state.
Definition: Net.idl:353
WlanAuthType_2_0_0 authType
Authentication type.
Definition: Net.idl:274
EAP authentication failed.
Definition: Net.idl:189
CommonSettings_2_0_0 common
Common network settings.
Definition: Net.idl:302
boolean resolverPrefersIPv6
Resolver should prefer IPv6 addresses.
Definition: Net.idl:87
vector< string > searchSuffixes
List of domain search suffixes.
Definition: Net.idl:42
string clientPrivKey
client private key (always empty on retrieval!)
Definition: Net.idl:199
PortForwardingRole role
The role of the node (master or slave)
Definition: Net.idl:35
Interface is up and running.
Definition: Net.idl:157
Use auto-negotiation to set speed.
Definition: Net.idl:214
Half duplex.
Definition: Net.idl:223
MSCHAPv2 authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:181
Ethernet interface.
Definition: Net.idl:147
boolean clearPsk
Set to true when PSK should be cleared.
Definition: Net.idl:276
No authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:229
Interface specific IP settings.
Definition: Net.idl:111
string password
EAP password (always empty on retrieval!)
Definition: Net.idl:196
EapOuterAuthMethod_2_0_0 outerMethod
Outer authentication method.
Definition: Net.idl:202
vector< IpAddrCidr > addrsCidr
List of active IPv4 addresses with prefix length.
Definition: Net.idl:122
string identity
EAP identity.
Definition: Net.idl:195
Ethernet interface settings.
Definition: Net.idl:240
Network info.
Definition: Net.idl:309
string bssid
BSSID of associated access point.
Definition: Net.idl:295
WlanInfo wlanInfo
Current WLAN interface specific info.
Definition: Net.idl:345
boolean forceTrustedCert
Enforce trusted certificates.
Definition: Net.idl:205
string ifName
interface name on master
Definition: Net.idl:67
string transportProtoName
Transport protocol name.
Definition: Net.idl:320
string psk
Pre-shared key (always empty on retrieval!)
Definition: Net.idl:275
Interface specific settings.
Definition: Net.idl:139
IpAddrCidr staticAddrCidr
Statically assigned IPv4/IPv6 address (CIDR)
Definition: Net.idl:114
IpConfigMethod configMethod
Interface configuration method.
Definition: Net.idl:130
IpConfigMethod configMethod
Interface configuration method.
Definition: Net.idl:113
string caCertChain
CA certificate chain.
Definition: Net.idl:204
EAP authentication succeeded.
Definition: Net.idl:190
string dhcpPreferredHostname
Preferred hostname (only used with DHCP)
Definition: Net.idl:133
string dhcpPreferredHostname
Preferred hostname (only used with DHCP)
Definition: Net.idl:115
Use auto-negotiation to set duplex mode.
Definition: Net.idl:222
Port forwarding info.
Definition: Net.idl:72
EthDuplexMode duplexMode
Interface duplex mode.
Definition: Net.idl:236
Ethernet link mode.
Definition: Net.idl:234
InterfaceIpSettings_2_0_0 ipv4
Interface specific IPv4 settings.
Definition: Net.idl:141
map< string, WlanInfo > wlanMap
WLAN specific interface info.
Definition: Net.idl:313
IPv4/IPv6 route.
Definition: Net.idl:20
Network settings.
Definition: Net.idl:301
Full duplex.
Definition: Net.idl:224
string macAddr
MAC address of the interface.
Definition: Net.idl:168
string ssid
SSID of the wireless network.
Definition: Net.idl:294
EthLinkMode linkMode
Current link mode.
Definition: Net.idl:249
DNS info.
Definition: Net.idl:84
int nodeIndex
Index of the node in the port forwarding cascade.
Definition: Net.idl:75
IpConfigMethod configMethod
Interface configuration method.
Definition: Net.idl:121
int appProtoId
Application protocol id.
Definition: Net.idl:318
Routing settings.
Definition: Net.idl:53
boolean resolverPrefersIPv6
Resolver should prefer IPv6 addresses.
Definition: Net.idl:43
EapAuthSettings_3_0_0 eap
EAP Settings for 802::1x authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:243
Interface specific IPv6 info.
Definition: Net.idl:128
TLS authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:176
802::1x (EAP) authentication
Definition: Net.idl:265
boolean allowOffTimeRangeCerts
allow expired and not yet valid TLS certs
Definition: Net.idl:206
string bssid
BSSID (empty for automatic AP selection)
Definition: Net.idl:272
1000 MBit/s (1 GBit/s)
Definition: Net.idl:217
string authServerName
Name of the RADIUS server (used to verify cert)
Definition: Net.idl:209
DnsInfo dns
DNS info.
Definition: Net.idl:98
WLAN interface.
Definition: Net.idl:148
The interface type.
Definition: Net.idl:146
Bride interface.
Definition: Net.idl:149
boolean linkDetected
true if a link is detected
Definition: Net.idl:252
string dhcpServerId
DHCPv6 server id or empty.
Definition: Net.idl:132
string appProtoName
Application protocol name.
Definition: Net.idl:319
boolean associated
true if assoiated to an access point
Definition: Net.idl:293
DnsSettings_2_0_0 dns
DNS settings.
Definition: Net.idl:60
InterfaceType type
Interface type.
Definition: Net.idl:164
boolean nodeIndexValid
true if nodeIndex is valid
Definition: Net.idl:74
IpRoutingSettings_2_0_0 ipv6
IPv6 routing settings.
Definition: Net.idl:55
WLAN security protocol.
Definition: Net.idl:257
boolean enabled
The dynamic enabled state.
Definition: Net.idl:165
EAP authentication pending.
Definition: Net.idl:188
string clientCertChain
client certificate chain
Definition: Net.idl:198
map< string, InterfaceInfo > ifMap
Common interface info.
Definition: Net.idl:311
No automatic configuration.
Definition: Net.idl:105
WLAN channel width.
Definition: Net.idl:281
IP protocol specific routing settings.
Definition: Net.idl:47
RoutingInfo routing
Routing info.
Definition: Net.idl:99
boolean slaveConnected
true if this node has a slave connected
Definition: Net.idl:76
vector< string > serverAddrs
List of domain name servers addresses (IPv4/IPv6)
Definition: Net.idl:41
EAP authentication settings.
Definition: Net.idl:194
Basic IDL definitions.
Definition: Event.idl:10
boolean raOtherConf
"OtherConf" flag set in router announcements
Definition: Net.idl:135
Interface is not present.
Definition: Net.idl:154
int channel
Channel number.
Definition: Net.idl:296
EapAuthSettings_3_0_0 eap
EAP Settings for 802::1x authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:277
map< string, EthInfo_1_0_1 > ethMap
Ethernet specific interface info.
Definition: Net.idl:312
string dhcpPreferredHostname
Preferred hostname (only used with DHCP)
Definition: Net.idl:124
string defaultGatewayAddr
Default gateway address.
Definition: Net.idl:48
Interface specific IPv4 info.
Definition: Net.idl:119
boolean raManaged
"Managed" flag set in router announcements
Definition: Net.idl:134
Network Configuration.
Definition: Diagnostics.idl:9
EthLinkMode linkMode
Link mode.
Definition: Net.idl:241
Routing info.
Definition: Net.idl:91
802::1x (EAP) authentication
Definition: Net.idl:230
IpRoutingSettings_2_0_0 ipv4
IPv4 routing settings.
Definition: Net.idl:54
EapStatus eapStatus
status of EAP authentication
Definition: Net.idl:248
Port forwarding settings.
Definition: Net.idl:33
WLAN interface settings.
Definition: Net.idl:269
EAP authentication disabled.
Definition: Net.idl:187
InterfaceIpSettings_2_0_0 ipv6
Interface specific IPv6 settings.
Definition: Net.idl:142
Ethernet speed.
Definition: Net.idl:213
boolean enabled
true if port forwarding is enabled
Definition: Net.idl:73
WLAN interface info.
Definition: Net.idl:292
vector< IpRoute > ipv4Routes
List of active IPv4 routes.
Definition: Net.idl:92
boolean enableHT
Enable high throughput features (802::11n)
Definition: Net.idl:270
boolean autonegEnabled
true if auto-negotiation is enabled
Definition: Net.idl:251
EAP authentication status.
Definition: Net.idl:186
Node is the port forwarding master.
Definition: Net.idl:28
vector< PortForwardingMasterAddrInfo > masterIPv4AddrInfos
Master address info for IPv4.
Definition: Net.idl:79
string dhcpServerAddr
IPv4 address of DHCP server or empty.
Definition: Net.idl:123
WLAN authentication type.
Definition: Net.idl:262
EthInfo_1_0_1 ethInfo
Current ethernet interface specific info.
Definition: Net.idl:339
string ssid
SSID of the wireless network.
Definition: Net.idl:271
10 MBit/s
Definition: Net.idl:215
No authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:263
EthSpeed speed
Interface speed.
Definition: Net.idl:235
vector< EthLinkMode > supportedLinkModes
Supported link modes.
Definition: Net.idl:253
Role of the node when port forwarding is enabled.
Definition: Net.idl:27
CommonInfo common
Common network info.
Definition: Net.idl:310
Use DHCP for automatic configuration (IPv4 only)
Definition: Net.idl:106
string masterDownstreamIfName
Master downstream interface (usb: any USB iface)
Definition: Net.idl:77
Interface has no link.
Definition: Net.idl:156
InterfaceType ifType
interface type
Definition: Net.idl:352
PEAP authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:175
EAP inner authentication method.
Definition: Net.idl:180
Ethernet authentication type.
Definition: Net.idl:228
string masterIfName
Master interface (set for bridged interfaces)
Definition: Net.idl:166
map< string, WlanSettings_3_0_0 > wlanMap
WLAN specific interface settings.
Definition: Net.idl:305
vector< string > searchSuffixes
List of active domain search suffixes.
Definition: Net.idl:86
Node is a port forwarding slave.
Definition: Net.idl:29
Pre-shared key authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:264
InterfaceOpState state
Operational state of the interface.
Definition: Net.idl:167
vector< IpAddrCidr > addrsCidr
List of active IPv6 addresses with prefix length.
Definition: Net.idl:131
boolean enabled
Controls if port forwarding is enabled.
Definition: Net.idl:34
WlanChannelWidth channelWidth
Channel width (this is an id and no frequency!)
Definition: Net.idl:297
Common settings.
Definition: Net.idl:59
string label
Interface label (used in user interfaces)
Definition: Net.idl:163
EthAuthType authType
Authentication type.
Definition: Net.idl:242
string name
Internal interface name.
Definition: Net.idl:162
Mapping from application protocol id to name and transport protocol.
Definition: Net.idl:317
boolean clearClientPrivKey
Set to true to clear the client private key.
Definition: Net.idl:200
boolean enabled
Controls if interface is enabled.
Definition: Net.idl:140
Ethernet duplex mode.
Definition: Net.idl:221
WlanSecProtocol secProtocol
Security protocol (WPA2)
Definition: Net.idl:273
EapInnerAuthMethod_2_0_0 innerMethod
Inner authentication method.
Definition: Net.idl:203
valueobject CommonInfoChangedEvent
Event that is send when common network info has changed.
Definition: Net.idl:327
Network configuration interface.
Definition: Net.idl:362
boolean enabled
true if IPv6 is enabled
Definition: Net.idl:129
boolean clearPassword
Set to true when password should be cleared.
Definition: Net.idl:197
InterfaceIPv4Info ipv4
Interface specific IPv4 info.
Definition: Net.idl:169
Common info.
Definition: Net.idl:97
Interface specific info.
Definition: Net.idl:161
IPv4/IPv6 address and prefix len.
Definition: Net.idl:14
Port forwarding master address info for an interface.
Definition: Net.idl:66
vector< string > serverAddrs
List of active domain name server addresses.
Definition: Net.idl:85
EAP outer authentication method.
Definition: Net.idl:174
map< string, InterfaceSettings_2_0_0 > ifMap
Common interface settings.
Definition: Net.idl:303
boolean enabled
true if IPv4 is enabled
Definition: Net.idl:120
Interface operational state.
Definition: Net.idl:153
vector< IpRoute > staticRoutes
List of static routes.
Definition: Net.idl:49
string clientPrivKeyPassword
password of client private key
Definition: Net.idl:201
Use automatic configuration (IPv6 only)
Definition: Net.idl:107
TLS authentication.
Definition: Net.idl:182
InterfaceIPv6Info ipv6
Interface specific IPv6 info.
Definition: Net.idl:170
RoutingSettings_2_0_0 routing
Routing settings.
Definition: Net.idl:61
string addr
IPv4/IPv6 address on the interface.
Definition: Net.idl:68
vector< PortForwardingMasterAddrInfo > masterIPv6AddrInfos
Master address info for IPv6.
Definition: Net.idl:80
Interface is down.
Definition: Net.idl:155
IP configuration method.
Definition: Net.idl:104
DNS settings.
Definition: Net.idl:40
map< string, EthSettings_2_0_0 > ethMap
Ethernet specific interface settings.
Definition: Net.idl:304
vector< IpRoute > ipv6Routes
List of active IPv6 routes.
Definition: Net.idl:93
boolean enabled
Controls if IPv4/IPv6 is enabled.
Definition: Net.idl:112
boolean linkModeValid
true if linkMode is valid
Definition: Net.idl:250
Ethernet interface info.
Definition: Net.idl:247
string masterDownstreamIfName
Master downstream interface (usb: any USB iface)
Definition: Net.idl:36
boolean allowNotYetValidCertsIfTimeBeforeBuild
allow not yet valid TLS certs if
Definition: Net.idl:207
WPA2 security protocol.
Definition: Net.idl:258
string ifLabel
interface label
Definition: Net.idl:338
PortForwardingSettings_2_0_0 portForwarding
Port forwarding settings.
Definition: Net.idl:62
100 MBit/s
Definition: Net.idl:216