Certificate Requirements for Neighborhoods

To use neighborhoods without certificate errors, you must follow these steps.

  1. Make sure to use the same IP address or Hostname for each CC-SG neighborhood member in each of these places: in the certificate, when creating the neighborhood, and when accessing the CC-SG by URL. To ensure certificates are correct, generate and install certificates (self-signed or issued by a CA) with name matching the access URL/DNS name. See Certificates.
  2. When you launch CC-SG, you will see the certificate error. Install the certificate for each CC-SG in the neighborhood.
  3. Place the certificate in the trusted store.
  4. For Internet Explorer browsers, add the IP/Hostname of each CC-SG in the neighborhood to two sections. Choose Internet options, click the Security tab, then click the Trusted Sites icon. Add the IP/Hostname of each CC-SG in the Trusted sites list, and also in the Privacy > Sites tab. Make sure that the IP or Hostname matches exactly the URL that is used to access the CC-SG.
  5. For Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9 browsers, choose Internet options > Privacy tab. Set the Internet zone setting to "Accept all cookies."
  6. Make sure that all CC-SG IP addresses/Hostnames that are part of the neighborhood are listed in your Internet Explorer browser. To check, choose Internet Options > Content > Certificates, in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities tab.

See Also

Configuring a Neighborhood

Create a Neighborhood

Edit a Neighborhood

Refresh a Neighborhood

Delete a Neighborhood

Upgrade a Neighborhood