Change Your Password

You can change your password if your account is locally authenticated. If your account uses remote authentication, contact the administrator to change your password.

  1. Click the My Profile tab. The My Profile page opens.
  2. Select the Change Password (For Local Authentication Only) checkbox to activate the change password fields.
  3. Type your current password in the Old Password field.
  4. Type your new password in the New Password and Retype New Password fields.
  5. Click OK.

Note: If you see a Strong passwords are required text label next to the New Password field, the Administrator has enabled strong passwords. Strong passwords must contain a minimum of 8 characters and satisfy other requirements as defined by the Administrator.

If you see a Strong passwords are not required text label next to the New Password field, the Administrator has not enabled strong passwords. Your password must contain 6-16 characters.

See Also

My Profile in the Access Client

Change Your Email Address

Set Default Node List

Manage Mobile Client Keyboard Macros