Create an SSH Connection to a Serial-Enabled Device

You can create an SSH connection to a serial-enabled device to perform administrative operations on the device. Once connected, the administrative commands supported by the serial-enabled device are available.

Note: Before you connect, ensure that the serial-enabled device has been added to the CC-SG.

  1. Type listdevices to ensure the serial-enabled device has been added to CC-SG.

  2. Connect to the device by typing ssh -id <device_id> .
    Using the figure above as an example, you can connect to SX-229 by typing ssh -id 1370.

See Also

SSH Access to CC-SG

Enable SSH Access

Get Help for SSH Commands

SSH Commands and Parameters

Command Tips

Use SSH to Connect to a Node via a Serial Out-of-Band Interface

End SSH Connections

Direct Port Access to Dominion SX Serial Targets