Configuring Synchronization of Power IQ and CC-SG

CC-SG will synchronize with Power IQ to add the IT Devices configured in Power IQ to CC-SG as nodes. When synchronizing, CC-SG will create a node with a PowerIQ Proxy interface for each new IT Device identified. When CC-SG detects a duplicated node, the synchronization policy you choose determines whether the nodes are consolidated, renamed, or rejected.

You can synchronize manually at any time, or set up a task to run on a recurring basis. See Task Manager.

You can also choose to get all IT Devices from Power IQ, or set up a filter so that CC-SG only synchronizes the IT Devices allowed by the filter.

Filters are optional. If you do not create a filter, all IT Devices configured in this Power IQ will be added to CC-SG according to the synchronization policy. Filters apply only to the Power IQ instance selected.

  1. Choose Access > Power IQ Services, then select the name of the Power IQ you want to synchronize.
  2. In the Synchronization section, select a field name from the Field list. The field names listed refer to fields in Power IQ
  3. Select a search operator from the Operator list.
  4. Enter the value to search for in the specified field, using the specified operator.
  5. Click OK to save, or keep this dialog open and continue to Step 3.

Note: The synchronization policy applies to ALL Power IQ instances configured in CC-SG. See Power IQ Synchronization Policies for details of each policy and other synchronization results.

  1. In the Synchronization section, select the radio button for the synchronization policy:
  2. Click OK to save. See Synchronize Power IQ and CC-SG for details on synchronizing manually and by task.

In This Section

Synchronize Power IQ and CC-SG

Power IQ Synchronization Policies

See Also

Power IQ Integration

Power Control of Power IQ IT Devices

Importing and Exporting Dominion PX Data from Power IQ