Bulk Copying for Node Associations, Location and Contacts

The Bulk Copy command allows you to copy categories, elements, location and contact information from one node to multiple other nodes. Note that the selected information is the only property copied in this process. If you have the same type of information existing on any selected nodes, performing the Bulk Copy command will REPLACE the existing data with newly assigned information.

  1. Click the Nodes tab and select a node.
  2. Choose Nodes > Bulk Copy.
  3. In the Available Nodes list, select the nodes to which you are copying the associations, location, and contact information of the node in the Node Name field.
  4. Click > to add a node to the Selected Nodes list.
  5. Select the node and click < to remove it from the Selected Nodes list.
  6. In the Associations tab, select the Copy Node Associations checkbox to copy all categories and elements of the node.
  7. In the Location and Contacts tab, select the checkbox for the information you want to copy:
  8. Click OK to bulk copy. A message appears when the selected information has been copied.

See Also

Nodes, Node Groups, and Interfaces

Nodes and Interfaces Overview

Viewing Nodes

Service Accounts

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Nodes

Adding Location and Contacts to a Node Profile

Adding Notes to a Node Profile

Configuring the Virtual Infrastructure in CC-SG

Synchronizing the Virtual Infrastructure with CC-SG

Reboot or Force Reboot a Virtual Host Node

Accessing the Virtual Topology View

Connecting to a Node

Pinging a Node

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Interfaces

Adding Interfaces for Nodes Using IPv6

Bookmarking an Interface

Configuring Direct Port Access to a Node

Using Chat

Adding, Updating, and Deleting Nodes with CSV File Import

Adding, Editing, and Deleting Node Groups