MKC Toolbar Icons

Depending on your mobile device screen size and resolution, you may not see all toolbar icons at once. For example, on tablet device, such as an iPad you may see F4 as the final icon to the right.

mkc toolbar

Touch and swipe the toolbar to the left, to view the F5 through F12 icons. Swipe the toolbar back to the right to return to the default view.

On a mobile phone device, such as an iPhone, you will see fewer icons. Use the same touch-and-swipe motion left and right to view additional icons.

Provides access to the mobile device's native soft keyboard. See Display Mobile Device Keyboard.

Provide the modifier keys to be used together with other keys on the toolbar. See Using the MKC Toolbar.

Provides access to the Windows Start menu. This is the equivalent of the Windows key on a standard Windows keyboard.

Provides access to a right-click menu. This is the equivalent of the Application key on a standard Windows keyboard. The Application key has an image of a mouse pointer on a menu, and it is positioned between the Alt and Ctrl keys to the right of the spacebar.

Touch the Application icon to display the selected item's right-click menu.

Provide document navigation.

Provide standard press and release key operation.

See Also

Using the MKC Toolbar