About Nodes

Each node represents a target that is accessible through CC-SG, via either In-Band (direct IP) or Out-of Band (connected to a Raritan device) methods. For example, a node can be a server in a rack connected to a Raritan KVM over IP device, a server with an HP iLO card, a PC on the network running VNC, or a piece of networking infrastructure with a remote serial management connection.

You can manually add nodes to CC-SG after you have added the devices to which they are connected. Nodes can also be created automatically by selecting the Configure all ports checkbox on the Add Device screen when you are adding a device. This option allows CC-SG to automatically add all device ports, and add a node and an out-of-band KVM or serial interface for each port. You can edit these nodes, ports, and interfaces at any time.

See Also

Nodes and Interfaces Overview

Node Names

About Interfaces